My Encounter With The Devil

Dr. Paul Thigpen narrates a startling incident from his past, involving a suspected encounter with a demonic entity. He was residing near the sea, in a house by the waterfront, surrounded by barrier islands. During an era when large cars with bench seats were popular, he found himself squeezed into the front seat of such a car with two friends, engaged in casual conversation.

Suddenly, Thigpen experienced a suffocating, tangible darkness. It pressed against him so forcefully that his knees were jammed against the dashboard. This darkness seemed to invade his very being, leaving only a small part of his consciousness unaffected.

Amidst this frightening experience, an ominous voice in his head threatened to cast him into the ocean – a terrifying thought for Thigpen, who couldn’t swim. In response, he felt an extraordinary surge of strength, overwhelming his larger friends as he battled against this unseen adversary. Just as he was about to give in to this compulsion, another voice guided him to focus on the cross. Initially confused, he then recalled a silver cross necklace, a gift from his Catholic girlfriend. Though typically worn as a mere accessory, in this critical moment, he clung to it for protection.

Grasping the cross led to a gradual diminishing of the oppressive darkness. His friends, who witnessed this peculiar episode, were understandably worried and puzzled. They were aware that something profound had happened, evident from the drastic change in Thigpen’s demeanor and actions.

The day after, Thigpen discussed his experience with his senior English teacher, a devout Christian. She immediately suggested that it was an encounter with the devil, a notion Thigpen initially perceived as archaic. However, the conversation left him feeling uneasy, particularly due to his respect for her. Later, Thigpen learned from a friend about his friend’s girlfriend, involved in the Church of Satan and a self-identified witch, who had experienced something similar.

This revelation led Thigpen to reassess his experience. He reflected on biblical accounts of Jesus casting out demons, especially recalling a story where a demon threw a boy into water or fire. The similarity between the biblical account and his own experience reinforced his belief in a supernatural encounter.

Thigpen’s experience marked a significant shift in his understanding of the spiritual realm. It prompted him to deeply contemplate demonic forces and their influence as depicted in the Gospels. This encounter left an indelible impression, reshaping his views on spirituality and the unseen forces at play in our world.

(42) My Encounter With The Devil – YouTube

Spiritual Warfare: Hierarchies, Relics, and Strategies – (

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