What Are Sacramentals?

Catholic church Sacramentals

The Powerful Role of Sacramentals in the Catholic Faith

The Catholic Church makes an important distinction between sacraments and sacramentals. While sacraments were instituted by Christ himself to give grace, sacramentals are rituals and objects blessed by the Church to provide spiritual benefits. Though not as powerful as sacraments, sacramentals serve many purposes for devoted Catholics.

What Are Sacramentals?

Sacramentals are material things that dispose people to receive grace. Common examples include holy water, blessed medals, crucifixes, blessed candles, scapulars, and rosaries.

When used properly and with faith, sacramentals provide reminders of spiritual realities, foster devotion, remit venial sin, and even influence demons. For instance, exorcised bells literally drive evil spirits from the vicinity when rung. Sprinkling holy water and burning incense blessed by a priest can have a similar effect.

The Church provides abundant sacramentals suited for many spiritual needs. Those struggling with temptation might carry a Benedict medal and Miraculous Medal for protection and conversion of life. Parents concerned about children’s behavior may have them drink holy water. Numerous chaplets, like those of Saint Michael, also promise various spiritual aids.

How To Use Sacramentals

For maximum benefit, sacramentals should be procured from the Church and blessed using the ritually proper constitutive blessings for each object. Unfortunately, some modern priests use only generic blessings. The traditional blessings specifically request certain graces, so Catholics should kindly ask clergy to perform the fuller rites.

Once obtained, sacramentals only function through active use and faith. Merely owning blessed items avails little. Rosaries and chaplets promise associated graces only when prayed regularly. Holy water requires application, consuming, or sprinkling. And hanging a crucifix without ever venerating Christ gets one nowhere.

In sum, sacramentals constitute an oft neglected spiritual treasury within Catholicism. Those desiring protection and grace in their fight against evil should become well-acquainted with these rituals and objects. Together with personal prayer and the sacraments, sacramentals provide a complete armory for spiritual combat.

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