fr. Leo Clifford – How to handle worry

Fr. Leo Clifford how to handle worry

In Luke 21, Jesus addresses life’s uncertainties, preparing us for tough times ahead. He’s speaking to us, aware of the detrimental effects of anxiety, which can be more harmful than natural disasters. It’s why we pray daily for freedom from worry, anticipating Jesus Christ’s return with joyful hope. But how do we manage our anxieties? Remember, God loves you immensely. He may not shield us from troubles, but promises support through them. Our faith in God ensures that even death cannot truly harm us. Belief grants us control over our eternal destiny.

We should avoid fretting over uncontrollable events like weather or global conflicts. The serenity prayer is apt here: courage to change what we can, peace to accept what we can’t, and wisdom to know the difference. Living in the present is crucial. We’re reminded to focus on today, the present moment, and trust in God’s love and presence, ensuring we are never alone. As Paul said, we can overcome anything with God’s strength.

It’s important to keep perspective and not blow trivial matters out of proportion. What truly matters in our connection through the Christian faith? There are five key truths. First, God’s love for us is immense and unwavering. Second, He resides within us constantly, as St. Paul expressed. Third, our journey through life is a shared path with God, as illustrated by the popular book “He and I.” Fourth, our true home awaits in heaven. And finally, death marks the start of endless joy, as St. Francis welcomed it.

Reflecting on these truths, we join the biblical man in his plea: “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.” Amen. God bless.

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