Fr. Leo Clifford – One day at a time

one day at the time leo clifford


In a world that often rushes towards the future, Fr. Leo Clifford offers a refreshing perspective on living in the present, drawing inspiration from Psalm 118: “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it.” His teachings, deeply rooted in Christian faith, remind us of the beauty and significance of embracing each day as a unique gift from God.

The Gift of Today

Fr. Clifford emphasizes the idea that each day is ‘freshly minted’ from God’s hands, given to us to find fulfillment in finding Him. He recalls how Jesus, in his time, made significant moments of ‘today’ – whether it was in the synagogue of Nazareth, with Nicodemus, or with the good thief on the cross. This concept reiterates the importance of living for the day, making the most of the present moments we are blessed with.

The Practice of Gratitude and Presence

In his reflections, Fr. Clifford encourages us to view each day as a rehearsal for eternal life, a chance to lay down our burdens at night as we sleep, akin to a rehearsal for death. This perspective is not morbid but rather a reminder of the transient nature of life and the importance of gratitude for each day we are given.

Overcoming the Challenge of Sin

The challenge in enjoying each day, as Fr. Clifford notes, often lies in the human condition – our propensity towards sin and selfishness. He points out that our struggles with jealousy, prejudice, and sensitivity stem from our sinful nature. However, he also provides hope, reminding us that the struggle to see God’s hand in our lives is a journey towards recognizing His love in everything.

Learning to Love

Fr. Clifford draws a parallel between the earthly journey and the heavenly goal. He explains that our time on earth is a learning process to embrace love, preparing us for heaven, where love is the only language. This journey of learning to love, he implies, is the essence of our daily challenge.

Finding God in Everyday Life

One of the most compelling aspects of Fr. Clifford’s message is his encouragement to find God in the mundane and ordinary aspects of life. He uses the example of the Israelites in the desert, receiving just enough manna for the day, to illustrate God’s intention for us to rely on Him daily.


Fr. Leo Clifford’s insights offer a powerful reminder of the beauty and simplicity of living in the moment, embracing each day with faith and love. His teachings encourage us to find joy in the present, trust in God’s plan, and prepare our hearts for the eternal love that awaits us. In a world that often feels overwhelming, his message is a beacon of hope, guiding us to find peace and fulfillment, one day at a time.

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